Exploring Cuban Jazz Pianist, Omar Sosa
During the course of producing “Havana and Haiti….” Iris PhotoCollective has invited writer, musician, and music critic Fernando Gonzalez to explore the musical connections between the two island nations. Both Cuba and Haiti musical genome are blends of many sounds, but with strong ties to the continent of Africa.
Gonzalez shares one of these blends from the wonderful Cuban jazz pianist Omar Sosa and his collaboration with African griot, praise singer, composer, djembe master, virtuoso, Kora player, and last but not least musical pioneer – Seckou Keita. The pair is currently on their Transparent Water tour which shares the same name as their album they released back in February 2017.
Fernando Gonzalez will be curating the music for the upcoming exhibitions and book events, so stay tuned with both eyes and ears, as Gonzalez takes us all on a musical journey connecting all the musical points between Cuba and Haiti.

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