“Havana, Haiti…” 2019 Promo Video
Two Cultures, One Community,” juxtaposes the geography, political life, and culture of the two island nations of Cuba and Haiti in photography and text. The idea for the project was born in 1992 when photojournalist Carl Juste found himself in Guantanamo, Cuba, at a refugee camp. For the first time, Cubans and Haitians shared the same INS limbo, though the Cubans waited for transfer to mainland U.S., while the Haitians waited for repatriation to the hell they’d just escaped.[/caption]
In celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Iris PhotoCollective, Iris’ presents “Havana, Haiti: Two Cultures, One Community.”
Together in one book, in one exhibition, and in one website, words and images create an intimate and deeply textured portrait of Cuba and Haiti. Each narrative tells its story through the power of the pen and integrity of the camera. The goal of “HavanaHaiti” is to find the common ground where both Cubans and Haitians can stand. We hope to bring together what many have chosen to tear apart.
Travel through the images created by some of the world’s most talented photojournalists – Marice Cohn Band, André Chung, C.W. Griffin, Carol Guzy, Carl-Philippe Juste, Pablo Martinez Monsivais, Jeffery Salter, Les Stone, Charles Trainor, Jr., and Clarence Williams III. Please support by telling us your “Havana, Haiti….” story, sharing this important project with others, and if you are truly moved, purchase a print – a tax-deductible donation.

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